Hello everyone! I would like to welcome all my new followers, thank you for your visit and following my Blog :) The livingroom is ready now, I placed the walls and fixed the floor. For the left side I used some very old wallpaper from my grandmother, it was just enough! I made the tiles from the floor out off eggsboxes and sealed it with mod podge. Hope you like it ???
For all a good week and take care !! Hugs Mieke xxx
Some time ago I found a greenleaf house in our local antiquary, ofcourse I had to take it home :) It was allready assembled and does not look very beautiful, so now I startet to redecorate. It is not very easy to work inside , so I deceided to make new walls and when they are ready I put them in. I don't like the name Glencroft and therefore I gave it a new name ** ROSE COTTAGE ** The living room is the first room I worked on, I made new wals and a fireplace, here are some pictures. For everyone a great week and keep making mini's :) Hugs Mieke xxx
Hello everyone, first a big hello to all my new followers , thank
you all for following, visiting and commenting. my posts, I like it
very much and it really means a lot to me :) Today I made this little tin box out off mount card, the pearls are from 1961 !! The lovely background pictures are all gifts from Pam, she makes beautiful French creations. I wish you all a great Sunday!!
Recently I'm hooked by the french vintage style, so today I made this little french photo album, I used real old french lace to cover the pages and tried to give each page a different look. It was very pretty to make. I hope you like it :) Hugs Mieke xxx